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Aemar (played by Aubrey) |
Draum (played anonymously) |
Violet Hawk (played anonymously) |
Amberline bequin (played anonymously) |
Roderick Vimes (played by Amicitia) |
Roland Grey (played anonymously) |
Irenlas Tinilith (played anonymously) |
Red Death (played anonymously) |
Matthews Thompson (played by Saberus) |
Janella Silentread (played by JustaBitEvil) has made the acquaintance of Matthews Thompson (played by Saberus).(About 4 weeks 19 hours ago) |
Janella Silentread (played by JustaBitEvil) has made the acquaintance of Aemar (played by Aubrey).(About 4 weeks 1 day ago) |
Janella Silentread (played by JustaBitEvil) replied to the forum topic Escaping Altak - A DnD RP(About 1 month 1 day ago) |
Furcadia |
Forgotten Realms |
Dungeons & Dragons |
Drovic Claddsek(played by DarkonDreams) || June 4 2017, 7:51pmReply
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