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APPEARANCE Height: 172 cm Build: Lean build, with narrow shoulders and waist. His muscles are defined, but not but not big. Skin: Pale in the winther and spring, but he gets easily suntanned. Very few birthmarks. In the summer small, subtle freckles will appear over his nose, hands and shoulders. Hair: Very light yellow blonde, like the color of butter. His hair is always buzzed, because he doesn't want people to know that it's actually curly. Eyes: His eyes are both huge and extremely blue. They have an almost doll-like quality, and makes it hard to take his stern looks seriously. Scars/Tattoos: Bunny has a lot of minor scars on his hands and lower arms, as is common for people who work with their hands. He has more unusual scars as well: A long thin scar across his shoulderblade. Surgery scars from a broken leg. Scars on his right elbow from getting bid by a dog. His body bears witness of bad risk-assement and getting in trouble. He has a larger tattoo of a dragon on the left upper part of his back, that, frankly, looks like shit. Style: Bunny have always tried his best to wear whatever everyone else was wearing in whatever environment he was a part of, which means that as an adult, Bunny doesn't really have his own style. He wears his work-clothing outside of work sometimes, and otherwise plain T-shirts and pants, often just black. Body movement: Depending on the company, Bunnys stiff body movement and stern eyes can seem almost like an act. Like it doesn't come natural to him, and is overdone somehow. When he is relaxed, his body loosens up as well. |
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