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![]() E A M O N Masculine | "Wealthy protector" | Irish/English |
![]() Z E N E B E Masculine | "Raining" | Amharic |
![]() W I N D T H O R P E Unisex | Family name |
He was born Eamon Zenebe Windthorpe, but has since changed his last name to Thornwell. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ Eamon, occasionally E by a selected few. ⎨AGE⎬ He is 17 years old. November 1st, 1961, which makes him a Scorpio. ⎨BLOOD STATUS⎬ Pureblooded wizard, a trait his family values greatly. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ He is of English descent. ⎨SCHOOL⎬ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. ⎨HOUSE & YEAR⎬ Slytherin House. 6th year. |
He is very, very tall and quite skinny to look at. He is not particularly strong, but can throw a solid punch if need be. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ Eamon is as pale as he is tall, and does not tan easily at all. Basically the English weather-conditions are perfect for his complexion. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ He measures impressive 190 centimetres. ⎨EYES⎬ A muddy grey/green colour, deep-set and intense looking, framed by strong brows. ⎨HAIR⎬ His hair is relatively straight and dark blonde in colour. ⎨TRADEMARKS⎬ He always looks like he is somewhat in pain. |
11,2", walnut, Abraxan feather. ⎨PATRONUS⎬ His patronus takes the corporael shape of a buzzard. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ Being an outstanding student overall, his ability to read certain situations and act accordingly, his fierce will. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ His temper, which is not to be messed around with, his smoking-habits, his tendency of always assuming the worst of people and/or situations. ⎨LIKES⎬ Cigarettes, starry nights, writing in his journal and playing the piano, moments of solitude spent with Bodhi. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ Most things, to be honest, but particularly Thomas Hawke and being unable to locate his lighter. |
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E V E R Yx G R E A Tx S T O R Y
SEEMS TO BEGIN WITH A SNAKE ![]() Eamon Zenebe Windthorpe is the first and only child of Elam and Demitria Windthorpe. He was born on the anniversairy of his grandfather, Maverick Windthorpe's, death, which some might say would have been a sad occasion. His parents, however, were immensely pleased to have given birth to a baby boy, although not for the reasons one might think. You see, Elam and Demitria did not have a son that day, they had themselves an heir. A successor to carry on the family legacy after their passing. He was not raised lovingly, but rather with a purpose. Everything his parents said or did to him, was in order to shape him in a manner they found suiting for the brand they had build around the family name. Alongside his slightly older cousin, Nova, he was taught to read, write, to be polite and to dress properly, all so that he could make an appealing appearance at the frequent Windthorpe-gatherings, where his family invited tons and tons of prestigeous people, all of magical descent, obvously, over in order to impress them and to demonstrate their power. The minimal contact quickly lead him into a restrained relationship with his parents. He was a bright kid, and at age 8 or so, he realized his purpose in life, the reason he had been born, and started pulling in the opposite direction. His rebellion was a quiet one, and instead of making a fuss, he withdrew into his own mind and started to prefer solitude to other people's company. A smart move, given that his childhood home was an abusive one: Any bad behaviour (bad in the eyes of his parents or grandmother, that is), any error, would lead to severe punishment, and he quickly learned to put on a good face to avoid it.
" Sometimes I find myself sitting in one spot for hours, staring at nothing,
thinking of nothing, feeling nothing, and, most disturbingly, caring about nothing. " – Mahbod Seraji In progress... |
⟢ B I T T E R
adj. | bit· ter | ˈbi-tər 1. Marked by intensity or severity; accompanied by severe pain or suffering; being relentlessly determined; harshly reproachful; marked by cynicism and rancor, 2. Caused by or expressive of severe pain, grief, or regret. |
⟢ S E N S I B L E
adj. | sen· si· ble | ˈsen(t)-sə-bəl 1. Perceiving through the senses or mind, 2. Emotionally aware and responsive, 3. Having, containing, or indicative of good sense or reason. |
⟢ J U S T
adj. | just | ˈjəst 1. Having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason; reasonable, 2. Conforming to a standard of correctness, 3. Acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good. |
⟢ B R O O D I N G
adj. | brood· ing | ˈbrü-diŋ 1. Moodily or sullenly thoughtful or serious, 2. Darkly somber, 3. Engaged in or showing deep thought about something that makes one sad, angry, or worried. |
| Mysterious· Strong-willed· Distrusting· Fiercely loyal· Aims for the stars· Determined to succeed· Unshakable focus· Violent· Keen sense of intuition· Fearless· Secretive. |
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He is a born leader, intense and filled with the strength of a mighty storm. His fierce heart, made from wild and flame, is genuine and filled with a masculine charm. He is handsome, sharp and put together, but his looks are not what defines him. The Scorpio man is resilient. He has a boldness and confidence that compels him to speak his mind. He is louder, wiser, more intense than ever. He is as tough as steel, with an even tougher heart. A hurricane. He is all those things. And more. He is independent, fearless and ambitious. This man cannot be tamed. His stubbornness and resourcefulnes is what drives him forward. A powerful source. He may at times seem harsh, but he can be harsher on himself. He is serious, with little or no time for unimportances. Underneath his exterior he has a magnetism that fills you with desire. The Scorpio man lives to experience and express emotion, to fill his life with love. His vulnerabilities is what makes him magic and his loyalty is part of his charm. There is nothing tame, boring or vanilla about the Scorpio man. A challenge. |
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A charm, also known as an enchantment, is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or individual. Charms are distinguished from transfigurations in that a charm adds or changes properties of an object; it focuses on altering what the object does as opposed to what the object is. For example, the Colour Change Charm causes something to flash different colours; the Levitation Charm causes an object to levitate, the Cheering Charm improves upon a creature's mood.
Transfiguration is a branch of magic that focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, via the alteration of the object's molecular structure. Transfiguration can be done to most (if not all) objects and, as with most forms of magic, it includes - but is hardly limited to - Transfiguration spells.
A curse was a type of dark charm which was used for the worst kinds of dark magic. The most heinous of the three dark charms, curses came in many strengths and forms, but were usually reserved for causing immense suffering to the victim, such as excruciating pain, mind control, or even death.
Potions (Latin potio, 'beverage') are magical mixtures commonly brewed in cauldrons and used to create a number of magical effects on the drinker. Potions range in effects, nature, and brewing difficulty. An example of a beginners potion is the Cure for Boils, which is the first potion learned at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An incredibly advanced and challenging one is the Polyjuice Potion, that even adult Witches and Wizards have trouble with.
Apparition is a magical form of transportation, in which the user travels instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between. This is accomplished by having the user focus on a desired location in their mind and then purposely disappearing from where they were, to reappear at the desired location. Apparition is by far the fastest way to get to a desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched. The ability to apparate was a relatively advanced skill for wizards. |
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