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FREED health
Physical: 100% Emotional: 75% orientation
Pansexual |
AGE 251 years of age Springchild GEMSTONES Amethyst, growing on her forehead, from cheek to cheek, hips, feet, and chest. Large stone between breasts beats a deep purple. MANNERISMS Poised and quiet, appears to be rather cultured and graceful. |
HEIGHT 5'7" WEIGHT tbd FUR Velveteen fur; cream colored HAIR Ombre; Pink fading to a paler shade |
CLOTHING Harem attire, silks and satin. Sometimes only wears gold chains as decorations. DISORDERS Anxiety PTSD Night Terrors LITERACY Can read and write. MAGICS Healing Precognition Telepathy Psychokinesis |
HEALING Expert ●●●●○ »Able to heal majorly broken bones, wounds (both external and internal). |
PRECOGNITION Master ●●●●● »The ability to see into the future when looking through crystal. Shards is more comfortable with her own kind but will read any future. Although one must remember the future is constantly changing and it is only one possible future outcome at the time. |
TELEPATHY Expert ●●●●○ »The ability to communicate with people without speaking out loud, only with the mind. With fellow Arkaines, Shards can hold full conversations. With non-Arkaine, Shards can speak to them (but doesn't expect to hear anything back). |
PSYCHOKINESIS Proficient ●●●○○ »Shards' weakest skill of her kind. She can lift an object of no more than 50lbs and move it at will. At max weight it will cause headaches and dizziness. |