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Played by a verified adult
BIRTH NAME: Aiden Fairfield AGE: 26 ("Born" December 16th, 1993, left San Angeles in 2020) IDENTIFICATION: Subject #246o1 ALIAS(ES): Wyndham Dodger Storme, Wyn D. Storme, Stormcaller ("It's my super-hero name. Bad-ass, right? ...Anyone?") NICKNAME(S): Wyn, Rain E. Day ("Screw you, sis"), Johnny Storm ("Suck a dick, other sis") SEX: Intersex GENDER IDENTITY: Male (Trans-Intersex; Raised female) HEIGHT: 5'5" ("Shut up, I'm not short - you're just tall") WEIGHT: 140 lbs. HAIR: Platinum Blonde (Was once honey-blonde; over-use of electrokinesis transformed his body) EYES: Electric Blue (Was once brown; over-use of-- you get the idea) SCENT: Ozone and petrichor (the scent of soil after a rainstorm). BUILD:
![]() Bar-code tattoo on abdomen just above right hip-bone. Crescent-shaped scars underneath pecs from mastectomy. More TBD. |
![]() SEXUALITY Panromantic Homosexual (Can fall in love with anyone, only sexually attracted to males) POSITIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Punny, fun-loving, (overly-)friendly, more TBD NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Emotionally-unstable ("but totally MENTALLY stable... totally"), indecisive, jumpy, jittery, more TBD MENTAL ILLNESSES/QUIRKS: PTSD, Anxiety, ADhD, Insomnia, High-Functioning Bipolar Disorder, Severe Claustrophobia LIKES: Soda ("who loves all soda? Wyn does. WHO loves all soda? I DO I DO I DO, OOO!"), sweet-and-salty foods, "girly" drinks, men and masculine or neutral-gendered folks (romantically), fun people (everything else-y), storms, lightning, wind, fresh air, wide-open spaces, more TBD DISLIKES: Depressing people, sadness, being called short or feminine, not being taken seriously, no one laughing at his puns/jokes, more TBD FEARS: Small, enclosed spaces without windows (elevators, closets, etc), hospitals, doctors, scientists (and generally anyone in white lab coats), needles. BIRTHPLACE: Fairfield Genetics Research & Development, New York City (San Angeles universe) PARENTS: Dr. Colin Fairfield (father) and "Donated" Egg Donor #1776 SIBLINGS: Mollie Loveless, Penny Dreadful, Unnamed Third Sibling With Powers over Earth (Nick-named "Terra") |