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NAME ??? (unpronunceable) ALSO Ford Prefect (yes. the car), Ix ("boy who is not able satisfactorily to explain what a Hrung is, nor why it should choose to collapse on Betelgeuse Seven") RACE Betelgeusian AGE Around 200 years old (looks about 23-25) |
HEIGHT 5"8' HAIR Gingerish EYES Seldom blinking and very much unnerving ORIENTATION Omni RELATIONSHIP STATUS Officially married to alcohol |
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral BIRTHPLACE Betlegeuse Five OCCUPATION Roving researcher for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (while on Earth, will usually claim to be an out of work actor) FASHION SENSE Disastrous. |
LIKES Drinking, travelling, partying, having a good time - and not having to pay for it. Earth's art. DEITY/RELIGION Depends on the kind of trouble he's gotten himself into (will usually swear on Zarquon's name) |
DISLIKES Having nothing to do, being lonely, out of mind-altering substances, asked to pay for his drinks. History -coming- |