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Cody (played by CURSEDOG) | |
It worked. Too well. Now I can't look at their teeth without pissing myself. I've bitten off more than I can chew, but they think they're the one with something to apologise for. They don't even know I meant to do it. I'm so confused. |
Jihan (played by CrescentNomad) | |
I want. |
Cherubim (played by Mo-) | |
Her screams are a siren song. She begs me to leave her be but I cannot. This one will get me in trouble. |
Dominique (played anonymously) | |
A tireless aide. A willing victim. A loving friend. My perfect little puppy. |
Ashanty (played by PeekaBoo) | |
A glittering emerald. Once thought flawless; but I sense a strain in the lattice. I reach and it resonates, threatening to form a crack. I think it'll only make her prettier still. |
Patrick Verona (played anonymously) | |
A man who enjoys the finer things in life and then sometimes stabbing them. Very much my kind of person. |
Lume (played anonymously) | |
Gave me a taste of my own medicine and I confess to a little addiction I doubt many will understand. Desperately sweet and... endlessly surprising. Remains quite keen on my face. |
Brandy (played by BrandyCat) | |
The girl who held my name on her lips when she thought she'd breathed her last. The girl who dug to the rotten core, and forgave it. The girl with whom I shared everything, and drove to insanity. Where's the Everclear when you need it? |
Birdy (played by Pretty_Bird) | |
She's got a hold on me. Maybe she's just what they want me to be. |
Ambrose (played anonymously) | |
The stink of burnt flesh is rising caustic, Bidding my eyes to close. I prefer to watch through my blurring half sight. I cross my throat and hope to die, To mark the moment she ceases to believe, And begins to believe anew. We ripped and tore pretending not to see, What we made as we destroyed. Now it stands monolithic, Daring us to look. I will look, if you will. |
Halima (played anonymously) | |
And so it transpired that the lions were the least of her worries. |
Baulder (played by Baulder) | |
Pandora's box with claws on, but where there's a will, there's a way! |
Naida (played anonymously) | |
The Queen of Sheba returns to port but doesn't know why. I know why. I intend to show her. |
Auset Rah (played by AusetRah) | |
A friend of a friend is my prey. |
Kizy (played by Pious) | |
Arisu Kagawa (played by Magnakor) | |
Run, puppy, run. |
Scarlett Moore (played by SashaPavolov) | |
What a lovely canvas, and what a pretty face. I just love how those brows crease in worry. Darling. |
Hellene (played by konnie) | |
I don't know I've ever seen anyone stay on a horse that was bucking that hard. |
Kujoh (played anonymously) | |
The biggest, scariest speed dater I've ever seen. |
Blue (played by notIsaidthecat) | |
Birde (played by Stoner) | |
Gods. This beautiful, bloody neon lotus is going to be the death of me. |
Hunig (played anonymously) | |
A lost puppy with sad eyes, ready to follow any open paw to their doom. Poor thing. |
Kali'va (played anonymously) | |
Primes damn but that's a lot of ambiguous cat... dragon... thing. |
Ruruau (played anonymously) | |
How strange. Our first meetings had me wanting to throttle him. Our next... well I still want to throttle him but to vastly different ends. |
Casilyn (played by PeekaBoo) | |
Sorry, I really do make a truly awful pet. |
Anabelle (played anonymously) | |
How nice. An mice. |
Amparo (played anonymously) | |
Wild and fiery, but for all that I don't think she knows what she wants. Perhaps I should show her. |
Murphichi (played by Momovix) | |
A perfect little slut. |
Tovah (played anonymously) | |
What is this creature, crawled up from filth to lash at me? Did you think I would not lower myself to lash back? |
Guilloga (played by Magnakor) | |
I know it's called Agony but did you really need to break my fucking nose!? |
Mallori (played anonymously) | |
Some collapse in the face of fear, and some grow. There's a darkness hiding beneath her fleece as white as snow. |
Reinhardt Winter (played anonymously) | |
A singular woman; commanded a room of four slaves as easily as breathing. |
Archani (played by Michonne) | |
Embarrassed herself a little in the pens but seems nice enough. |
Lipta Moonsilver (played by Outlawkatt) | |
A cloven-hooved little angel. She should want nothing to do with me yet I sense a mutual curiousity that I can't help but wish to explore. |