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Xanthe Pachis Nicknames Brat, Ann (covername) Age 179 (young adult) |
female Race Lampad (nymph) Occupation Searching |
Dresses Corsets Skirts Colors Pastel colors White |
Food and Drinks
Mojito drinks Sushi Cherries Other Historical areas Bodies of water |
5ft 4in Weight 143 lbs Shape Pear shaped |
Eye color
Bright Iris Hair color Deep Saffron Scars/marks None |
Thongs Leggins Capes Colors Dark green Vibrant red |
Food and Drinks
Mussels Carrots Green Tea Other Yelling Open fracture |
Physical Strenghts
Strong swimmer Good hearing Mental Strengths Fast learner Very Courageous |
Physical Flaws
Allergic to all painkillers Low alcohol tolerance Mental Flaws Quickly distracted Bad liar |
High energy Curious Fears Heights Clowns |