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Full name: Lydia Everly Wells Gender: Cisgender female Nicknames: Her parents used to call her Ladybug and all her co-workers call her Lyd or Lyds. Personality: Lydia is kind, or at least she likes to think that she's doing her best to be. Knowing what it's like to be shown harshness, she pushes to be better. The woman is also independent, which could be seen as both strength and weakness. Yeah, she doesn't need anyone to get by, but it's also incredibly hard for her to ask and accept help, even when she needs it. Another thing she finds hard is to let people get close to her and see her vulnerabilities, afraid that they would hurt her. To her, it seems that the easiest way to prevent that kind of pain is to keep everyone at arm's length. Likes: Listening to loud music, privacy, cats, the color red, art museums, cooking, and binge-watching TV shows. Dislikes: Crowds, hospitals, talking about her family, or revealing personal information. |
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Age: 23 years old, born on the 31st of October. That makes her a Scorpio. Birthplace: New York, USA. Current residence: New York, USA. Occupation: Waitress in a diner. She has to admit, the job sucks, the place sucks and the boss is a complete asshole, but it pays the bills. Kind of. Built: Her body type leans towards being a mesomorph and she stands at 5'5''. Eyes: Blue. She got them from her mother. |
Always | Very likely | Maybe (but ask) | Never |
Very likely
Maybe (but ask)