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-Magdalena 'Missy' Olavsdottir
Missy has never liked Berry. She's from the mainland and sees dancers like Berry as rivals competing for her job. The foreign girls also bring ties to underground business that Maggie, as she's known outside the club, would rather not be tied to. She was just in the job for the money, hoping to save up enough for school.
Her grades are good enough to get into Blue Coast U. But they're not good enough to get her a scholarship. Enter Plan B. Missy made a bad name for herself with some of the dancers when she called the police on 'suspicious activity'. She was new and never repeated the incident. But it would not be forgotten.
Berry and Missy really turned friendly competition into a bitter rivalry, with neither showing signs of slowing things down. Things have degraded to the point of trying to steal customers and tips from one another.
Both dancers would probably take turns trying to win any new dancer over. LiLi is caught in the middle.