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➼ N A M E [Currently using the name Christoph, in truth he is better known as Baal] ➼ S P E C I E S [Currently appearing as a planetouched human, in truth a Fallen Angel / Devil] ➼ M A R T I A L S T A T U S [Unwilling to commit, guaranteed to cheat and never settle down] ➼ E T H N I C I T Y [Varies with vessel, usually will blend in with his surroundings] |
➼ O T H E R N A M E S [He will go by his vessel's name at times if it is convenient, but other times he will simply adopt a new name for the moment or to blend in. Other names he has gone by in the past include: Asmodius, Bhaal, Mephistophilian ] ➼ C L A S S [Summoner/Paladin] ➼ H E I G H T [Varies with vessel, prefers to be around middle of the way between six and seven feet. His current vessel stands at 6'6] ➼ V O I C E [Varies with vessel, usually a smooth-talking male with a low, rich bass voice. ] |
➼ G E N D E R [Male, but capable of changing with his chosen vessel] ➼ O R I E N T A T I O N [Asexual in theory, but if his pursuit of power dictates such he will consider bedding others, especially fiendish women.] ➼ W E I G H T [Varies with vessel, prefers athletic bodies around the high 100's to low 200's pounds in weight. His current vessel weighs roughly a smidgen under 200 lbs] ➼ A L I G N M E N T [Lawful Evil, very much compelled to create disorder and seek power. He cares not for the laws of the land but will obey them if it means he is not exposed. His own personal law supersedes any others as he will follow his contracts and honor his end of a bargain with another. ] |
➼ F A C E C L A I M [Varies with vessel] ➼ H A I R S T Y L E [Varies with vessel] ➼ S C A R S/T A T T O O S [ His nature stitches wounds for his vessel, otherwise the rest is dependent upon his chosen vessel. ] ➼ G R O O M I N G [Regardless of vessel he is clean and proper] |
➼ E Y E S [Varies with vessel, when in his true self his eyes are a molten bright gold] ➼ C O M P L E X I O N [Varies with vessel, usually chooses to blend in with his surroundings ] ➼ S C E N T [Parchment, wax, ink] ➼ P H Y S I C A L H E A L T H [100%] |
➼ H A I R [Varies with vessel] ➼ B O D Y B U I L D [ Varies with vessel, currently tall, strong, athletic built for agility, speed and stamina more so than raw power] ➼ O C C U P A T I O N [Patron of mages, will claim he is a foreign researcher or enchanter most of the time] ➼ M E N T A L H E A L T H [100%] |