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Alias: Saluda. Birth Name: Shaj'ahn. Will not answer to this name. ................................. |
Gender: Fluid. He/They. Displays culturally transgressive tendencies. ................................. |
Age: Early twenties. Strangely ageless in appearance. Looks like an adult, but neither particularly young, nor particularly old. ................................. |
Species: Ka'althist. A bipedal, snake-like, desert-dwelling people. See Lore for further detail. ................................. |
Height: Five feet, eleven inches. ................................. |
Build: Lean and tightly-coiled; taut and sinewy. Anguine and long and possessed of a strange, boneless sort of mobility. Digitigrade feet. Complexion: Hairless and covered in supple, snakelike scales in swampy bistre and burnished copper. Orientation: Unimportant; unexplored. Ascetic; celibate. Has previously exhibited strong attraction to certain women (see History for further detail). Personality: Pettish; querulous; presumptuous; entitled; deeply insecure; quavering; suspicious; superstitious; devout; melancholic. Mannerisms: Surly and affectedly regal, in the manner of a wary child attempting to make himself seem like more than he is. Alignment: True Neutral. Prefers to remain removed from society and uninvolved in other people's problems. |
SPEED: +1 Possessed of a lithe frame and snakelike reflexes. STRENGTH: -1 Built for speed, not strength. Easily overpowered due to his ascetic lifestyle. STAMINA: +2 Years of pushing his body to the limits through ritual and meditation have heightened his tolerance for pain. |
WEAPON: +1 Primary Weapon: A single khanjar (curved dagger). ARMOUR: +1 Primary Armour: Natural; thick, scaled skin. Wears no armour. |