Ardenweild earned 16 points during Epic Week 2022, did 52 damage and contributed 3 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
Skyran earned 111 points during Epic Week 2022, did 725 damage and contributed 1 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
RemanLongtail earned 47 points during Epic Week 2022, contributed 2 items to the armory and Doubutted a weapon out! (2 years ago)
Carebear earned 1 points during Epic Week 2022 and contributed 1 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
satans_child earned 54 points during Epic Week 2022, did 116 damage and Doubutted a weapon out! (2 years ago)
anime_playerwriter earned 12 points during Epic Week 2022 and contributed 12 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
Avitrathephoenix earned 361 points during Epic Week 2022 and did 2100 damage! (2 years ago)