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  • FlowerCup
    FlowerCup earned 10 points during Epic Week 2022! (2 years ago)
  • Lunalla-Starlight earned 183 points during Epic Week 2022, did 1050 damage and contributed 52 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • MissPixie earned 1863 points during Epic Week 2022, did 3048 damage, contributed 8 items to the armory and watered 873 crops! (2 years ago)
  • Prescience earned 65 points during Epic Week 2022, did 607 damage and contributed 4 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • Dawnia earned 230 points during Epic Week 2022, did 2181 damage and contributed 17 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • Eri earned 81 points during Epic Week 2022, did 399 damage and contributed 12 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • AncientCatKing earned 202 points during Epic Week 2022, did 1071 damage and contributed 21 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • Taro_Nuke1 earned 134 points during Epic Week 2022, did 768 damage, contributed 1 items to the armory and Doubutted a weapon out! (2 years ago)
  • Kamizombie earned 130 points during Epic Week 2022, did 478 damage and contributed 1 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • Jangel13 earned 8 points during Epic Week 2022, contributed 1 items to the armory and Doubutted a weapon out! (2 years ago)
  • konnie earned 218 points during Epic Week 2022, did 778 damage and contributed 15 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • Kitsune_Of_Ninetails earned 123 points during Epic Week 2022, did 869 damage and contributed 4 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • Jence earned 409 points during Epic Week 2022, did 840 damage, contributed 21 items to the armory and watered 103 crops! (2 years ago)
  • Burrito earned 17 points during Epic Week 2022, did 41 damage and contributed 3 items to the armory! (2 years ago)
  • HelpIranoutofideas
    HelpIranoutofideas earned 262 points during Epic Week 2022, did 629 damage, contributed 1 items to the armory and Doubutted a weapon out! (2 years ago)