sland earned 154 points during Epic Week 2021, did 478 damage and contributed 42 items to the armory! (3 years ago)
Alright earned 1 points during Epic Week 2021 and contributed 1 items to the armory! (3 years ago)
WinterBlackDraoi earned 54 points during Epic Week 2021 and contributed 54 items to the armory! (3 years ago)
Folklore earned 523 points during Epic Week 2021, did 974 damage, contributed 52 items to the armory, completed 7 quests and sent 281 food to refugees! (3 years ago)
Kim earned 36847 points during Epic Week 2021, did 11794 damage, contributed 37 items to the armory, Doubutted 61 weapons out, completed 12 quests and sent 35190 food to refugees! (3 years ago)
onion earned 457 points during Epic Week 2021, Doubutted 2 weapons out and sent 446 food to refugees! (3 years ago)
Shinyrainbowlithogra earned 2146 points during Epic Week 2021, did 1505 damage, contributed 3 items to the armory, Doubutted 10 weapons out, completed 7 quests and sent 1719 food to refugees! (3 years ago)
Auberon helped get the despawn mechanism working properly again in the farm game. (3 years ago)
strawberry_champion gave 3 new members a warm welcome in April 2021! (3 years ago)