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  • Ilmarinen isn't afraid to give praise in public. (9 years ago)
  • Zelphyr gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • When the winter is dark, ForsakenAngel's heart is bright. (9 years ago)
  • Degu spread holiday cheer! (9 years ago)
  • Sanne helped fix overflowing character connection note inputs (9 years ago)
  • Despite - or because of - her strong feelings on the subject, Alecia provided some key insights for further refining the mobile version of the site. (9 years ago)
  • Inkliest helped make writing posts on mobile an even prettier experience. (9 years ago)
  • Zelphyr set me on the trail of the way too responsive dialog boxes! (9 years ago)
  • Wayne gave me another clue in the case of the way too responsive dialog boxes. (9 years ago)
  • Night noticed that the footer links on epic member profiles who had designed a custom look but hadn't typed in a bio were appearing in the wrong spot. (9 years ago)
  • When the winter is dark, Zephyrezz's heart is bright. (9 years ago)
  • The winter is a little warmer thanks to Kaji's kind words. (9 years ago)
  • Tamarind gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • Tate
    Tate gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • When the winter is dark, Green's heart is bright. (9 years ago)