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  • Esoterica spread holiday cheer! (9 years ago)
  • When the winter is dark, Esoterica's heart is bright. (9 years ago)
  • Lizzie gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • Goo isn't afraid to give praise in public. (9 years ago)
  • Cacophony spread holiday cheer! (9 years ago)
  • The winter is a little warmer thanks to Strangedisease's kind words. (9 years ago)
  • Isnelx spread holiday cheer! (9 years ago)
  • Isnelx gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • Lenoria gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • MelTheObserver
    When the winter is dark, MelTheObserver's heart is bright. (9 years ago)
  • The winter is a little warmer thanks to Clove's kind words. (9 years ago)
  • Strangedisease spread holiday cheer! (9 years ago)
  • Highjinx spread holiday cheer! (9 years ago)
  • Victoriantruth
    When the winter is dark, Victoriantruth's heart is bright. (9 years ago)
  • When the winter is dark, Highjinx's heart is bright. (9 years ago)