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  • Rook gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • loverbuckets
    The winter is a little warmer thanks to loverbuckets's kind words. (9 years ago)
  • Sanne isn't afraid to give praise in public. (9 years ago)
  • Sanne provided the first clue in the ghostly groups haunting the RP Finder, patiently collected data on the issue for months, and then provided the final clues that allowed me to FINALLY put this issue to bed. (9 years ago)
  • Rhythm provided clues in the case of the ghost groups haunting the RP Finder! (9 years ago)
  • Ohermichi provided clues in the case of the ghost groups haunting the RP Finder! (9 years ago)
  • When the winter is dark, Eri's heart is bright. (9 years ago)
  • Yuka
    Yuka provided clues in the case of the ghost groups haunting the RP Finder! (9 years ago)
  • loverbuckets
    When the winter is dark, loverbuckets's heart is bright. (9 years ago)
  • Auberon gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • Virus spread holiday cheer! (9 years ago)
  • Lizzie isn't afraid to give praise in public. (9 years ago)
  • The winter is a little warmer thanks to InquisitorCat's kind words. (9 years ago)
  • Pirate gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)
  • TheCoffeeWolf gives credit where credit is due! (9 years ago)