Claine reported a serious issue with data being overwritten. It turned out to only occur in Chrome, if the editing page was accessed using the back button. What a doozy to untangle! Claine's report was an important piece of the puzzle. (12 years ago)
Reinage reported a serious issue with data being overwritten. It turned out to only occur in Chrome, if the editing page was accessed using the back button. What a doozy to untangle! Reinage's report was an important piece of the puzzle. (12 years ago)
Esoterica reported a serious issue with data being overwritten. It turned out to only occur in Chrome, if the editing page was accessed using the back button. What a doozy to untangle! Esoterica's report was an important piece of the puzzle. (12 years ago)
Sanne reported that guestbook comments replies were vanishing when the main comment was deleted. (12 years ago)
Loki reminded me of a display issue that started happening in ultra-small browser windows all the way back when the redesign launched. Mess cleaned thanks to Loki! (12 years ago)
Sanne pointed out that there was no error message at all when a user tried to give a character a name with invalid characters. It just failed silently, leaving the user to wonder what the heck was happening. A better explanation is now possible! (12 years ago)
Pineapple helped to show how multiple open applications to groups could crowd one another out on the notifications page. They're being uncrowded thanks to Pineapple's report. (12 years ago)
Djinn-n-Tonic's safari photos of bizarre character names breaking player profiles prompted me to finally write a patch to keep long names in line! (12 years ago)
ARCHITECT has set me on the trail of a promising lead in the case of the overwriting widgets. They made a comment in their bug report that caused me to realize: It only happens when the back button was involved! Progress! (12 years ago)
Esoterica ran into an obscure error with journal widgets. On its own, it was minor, but when it came into contact with the persnickety database, the database threw a fit and refused to do any more work. The appropriate virgin sacrifices have been made (12 years ago)
Daegu was one of the first to put me on the trail of the login issues that occurred after the server move. (12 years ago)