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  • Javan reported that the link to explanations of nominations no longer went to the right place. (12 years ago)
  • The_Ross reported that making a friend with another user resulted in strange moonspeak being thrown at his. Friends can now be made without seeing any gibberish thanks to this bug report. (12 years ago)
  • Copper_Dragon found an emoticon that wasn't properly showing its code in the new emoticons help index. Now everyone can grin properly again. (12 years ago)
  • Dylan reported notifications on player profiles weren't showing the latest activity. Now they're up to the minute! (12 years ago)
  • Sanne reported notifications on player profiles weren't showing the latest activity. Now they're up to the minute! (12 years ago)
  • Copper_Dragon noticed that the new character ties widget was using female pronouns for her male characters. Widgets are now less gender confused thanks to this timely catch. (12 years ago)
  • Minerva
    Minerva was among those who helped to corner the relaunch day bugs preventing character ties from being made. Hooray for Minerva! (12 years ago)
  • Dragonfire found another spot where a link wasn't going to the help file on BBCode anymore. In fact, the link had ceased to exist! (12 years ago)
  • Ilmarinen was among those who helped to corner the relaunch day bugs preventing character ties from being made. Hooray for Ilmarinen! (12 years ago)
  • All of maitiu's characters were discovering that their family had become enemies -- And I don't mean in RP! Turns out, one of the pages had got lazy and was just calling all character ties an enemy tie regardless of what it actually was. (12 years ago)
  • Dylan caught a broken link in the Did You Know hints, that ought to go to the BBCode help page. (12 years ago)
  • SeraphicStar
    SeraphicStar was one of two who discovered that the chat was working all funky after the new version install, and helped me test various patches until we found the fix. (12 years ago)
  • Darth_Angelus was one of two who discovered that the chat was working all funky after the new version install, and helped me test various patches until we found the fix. (12 years ago)
  • The_Ross reported that icons couldn't be uploaded immediately after the redesign was installed. Fixed thanks to The_Ross! (12 years ago)
  • Darth_Angelus found an error caused by a tiny piece of the database that hadn't been completely updated for the redesign. The update was prompted to finish, and the error went away thanks to Darth_Angelus. (12 years ago)