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  • ToBeContinued brought to light an issue with creating characters with foreign, alien, or otherwise non-English names. Better support for more unique character names is in the works thanks to his suggestion. (12 years ago)
  • Darth_Angelus caught a serious BBCode typo in the Stupid Answers #3 news post that was distorting the look of the post, almost as soon as it went live. (12 years ago)
  • Sky fell through a hole in space time leading to a secret part of the site where tests are done, and then couldn't find the way back. The rescue operation resulted in a small bit of code that will prevent the same fate befalling anyone else. (12 years ago)
  • Uploading a new user profile image could get a little odd looking if you were also in the process of changing custom profile colors on an Epic Account at the same time. Sanne's investigations yielded the report that got this fixed. (12 years ago)
  • Sanne noticed that collapse tags didn't change their color like other links, when being customized on an Epic user profile. A brilliant catch leading to a timely fix! (12 years ago)
  • Minerva
    Minerva brought another bizarre behavior of IE to my attention, which allowed me to fix group customization in that browser. (13 years ago)
  • Dylan found a hole to an alternate dimension. Pesky worm holes! It's been stitched up to prevent cross-reality contamination. (13 years ago)
  • Dog caught some inane typos I made in other people's accolades when I was horribly tired. Thanks for making me look more gudder, Dog! (13 years ago)
  • AJ_89's bug report helped to pinpoint the source of the problems for friend and enemy widgets suddenly becoming misaligned. (13 years ago)
  • Javan's bug report helped to pinpoint the source of the problems for friend and enemy widgets suddenly becoming misaligned. (13 years ago)
  • Copper_Dragon's bug report helped to pinpoint the source of the problems for friend and enemy widgets suddenly becoming misaligned. (13 years ago)
  • Dragonfire helped fix a nasty little bug in the group system, that could make leaving a group more painful than it had to be. (13 years ago)
  • kuroi_neko was one of the first to report the major problems experienced by IE users during the layout crisis of 08/23/11 (13 years ago)
  • Qiao
    Qiao was among those who reported the pop-up image selection window for gallery widgets had gone AWOL during a great deal of other confusion. (13 years ago)
  • Dylan reported an important facet of the layout crisis of 08/23/11, where a whole range of things went kerflooey. Users like Dylan helped piece together the larger puzzle of what had gone wrong with reports like this! (13 years ago)