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  • Sanne reported that trying to roll dice in the forum chat had begun resulting in two identical chat windows open, side by side. (13 years ago)
  • kuroi_neko reported that color-picker wheels for customizing groups and user profiles didn't display correctly in IE. (13 years ago)
  • SeraphicStar
    SeraphicStar, with the help of a compatriot, raised the alarm that forum chat wasn't functioning correctly on Group boards. (13 years ago)
  • Copper_Dragon, with the help of a compatriot, raised the alarm that forum chat wasn't functioning correctly on Group boards. (13 years ago)
  • Dylan pointed out that the Pink Victorian Lace template wasn't included in the pink category! (13 years ago)
  • When I had finished the new 'mature' filter for gallery images but was too tired to test them, Dylan leaped to the rescue and gave them a thorough working over. Many bugs were tracked down and vanquished, thanks to Dylan! (13 years ago)
  • Xach found gaps appearing in the super computer templates when certain lengths of content were entered. Mainframe meltdown diverted! (13 years ago)
  • Dylan tried and tried to delete group announcements, but the button hadn't been properly hooked up. Thanks to their bug report, old announcements will trouble groups no longer. (13 years ago)
  • Dylan spotted a second error in page numbering on group membership pages. Turned out, the first fix we'd done for their had become irrelevant through updates and needed its own update. Thanks Dylan! (13 years ago)
  • Griswold pointed out that we were missing a critical feature -- there was no way to recover forgotten usernames! This is a feature that will be added post haste. (13 years ago)
  • Dylan's group was plagued with a memberlist that looked like swiss cheese -- Characters weren't being removed from their roster when their owners deleted them. All fixed thanks to a timely bug report from Dylan! (13 years ago)
  • How does she do it? Sanne found another link that led to an ancient version of the group setup wizard. It's now been redirected to the new page. (13 years ago)
  • Darth_Angelus found a test page that was still lingering messily, after a proper update should have replaced it with the Real Deal. (13 years ago)
  • Sanne reported that smilie icons and hearts weren't displaying correctly in gallery descriptions. (13 years ago)
  • riku asked some questions that led to the discovery that Group Tags weren't appearing on the profiles of the characters that founded them. (13 years ago)