bitteryeen earned 2 points during Epic Week 2023 and contributed 2 items to the armory! (1 year ago)
SurferGirlGeek earned 259 points during Epic Week 2023 and did 271 damage! (1 year ago)
OpenToThings earned 55 points during Epic Week 2023, did 91 damage and contributed 1 items to the armory! (1 year ago)
Your_Typical_Potato earned 1 points during Epic Week 2023 and did 4 damage! (1 year ago)
HayleyN2019 earned 1 points during Epic Week 2023 and contributed 1 items to the armory! (1 year ago)
Jence earned 124 points during Epic Week 2023, did 441 damage, contributed 1 items to the armory, Doubutted a weapon out and captained the 139th Walrus Company! (1 year ago)
Keke earned 103 points during Epic Week 2023, did 198 damage and contributed 39 items to the armory! (1 year ago)
GrnDrag0n earned 1 points during Epic Week 2023 and helped distract the monsters! (1 year ago)
TheCoffeeWolf earned 54 points during Epic Week 2023, contributed 5 items to the armory and captained the 115th Walrus Company! (1 year ago)
SillySpider earned 8 points during Epic Week 2023 and contributed 8 items to the armory! (1 year ago)
LisaBlankenship earned 714 points during Epic Week 2023, did 2616 damage, contributed 38 items to the armory, Doubutted 60 weapons out and captained the Tusken Raiders! (1 year ago)
Lornzie earned 1 points during Epic Week 2023 and contributed 1 items to the armory! (1 year ago)