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The Tomb of Horrors

Anonymous Neither The Legenary Death Trap Dungeon, Masterpiece of the Archlich Acererak

Avitra Angelica

Avitrathephoenix Female A hypersonic, immortal, magical space bird who loves flying, cuddling, and baking cookies. Probably unkillable, but would appreciate it if you din't try to find out.

Water of the Pentatheon

Avitrathephoenix Female Divine queen of countless seas, rivers, and bedchambers. Also, always up for making new friends!


Anonymous Trans "A god isn't a god until proven worthy"

Annika Kindler

Nox_et_Aurum Female "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." — Sun Tzu

Miryu Ikazuchi

Reithesniper Female "LoveHearts Sorcerer"


Anonymous Male A Silly and Skillful Drake

Ty Lyndale

Anonymous Male

Arteliex Ahren

Arteliex Male FC Leader and Fanatical Mage who probably should find something better to do with his <time>.


Anonymous Cisgender Woman Try me. I dare you.

Catherine Maercellus

Anonymous Cisgender Woman

Indigo Magenta

Zelphyr Gender Nonconforming "Honey, it's an aesthetic."

Harmony Jay

Anonymous Cisgender Woman A pretty, little hawk


starshine2223 Non-binary Her life was quiet and peaceful, until the stars called upon her to save the universe


justanotherLoreguy Male Amnesiac minor forest deity has awoken and doesn't know what is going on.


Anonymous Male

Extros Khair

CrypticCreature Male X gonna give it to ya

Non-Euclidean Ideas

dead_dogs_two Concepts and ideas for RPing in a world that doesn't confirm to our known laws of physics. A non-euclidean plane of existance.


Anonymous Cisgender Male


Marzhipan Cisgender Man

Fiorella 'Fiore' Ricci

obamitsu Cisgender Female Villain and Violent, Infant and innocent, ,

Emilia Shirosaki

drakenhart Female A cruel heiress who manipulates people to get what she wants