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Iveziz Gender Nonconforming


Laoush Male black haired gray eyed and might be crazy

Ellasandra Walker

Wosdi Female An ex-soldier and ex-confederate who now owns a bar and moonlights as a courtesan for the Whispered Wish.

Kiyanama Varanmana

CeruleanZs Female A Weaver whom serves by the side of her beloved.

Shion Ayanami

Punchbae Female A young raen who met with a terrible fate.

Ela Bouvier

Bandwriter Female "I don't want just anyone to make me happy, I want to take my time and find it out myself. But I won't risk it if it's not worth it." -Ela Bouvier(Marvel OC)

Alexander Jackson

Raven301 Non-binary "A faerie scholar who finds a rare, magical book that throws their life into chaos."

Inara Sol'eil

Anathema Female Mistress of The Whispered Wish


Anonymous Male A big brother trying to find some coins for his baby sister


Anonymous Non-binary nut


SanguineScythe Male A dark angel that follows you, waiting for your last breath.

Leon Brightstone

Promise Male "A troubled young human paladin who is at risk of falling into darkness,"


Anonymous Female A teenage girl with powers trying to find her little brother


BeeTee Female

Declan Callahan

Anonymous Male


Harleyquinncutiepie Female Sexy woman gothic Jester

Valereth Bloodstone

FelinaTheDevil Female An Ex-Thalmor Dragonborn who wishes to see her brothers

Zenon Corvus

Chronicler Male Percival the Hunter, Lord of Bullets, Sniper Saint: You are either in his sights or an ally. It is your choice on which you shall be.

The Monitor

Nedly A machine tasked with ruling a powerful space organization.

Sofiya Laveaux

Joli Female Voodoo Queen from New Orleans.


Anonymous Female strict childhood leading to a questionable moral compass and an unlikely job with the law


Nedly Male "Everything in the world makes noise. Even your body vibrates, your blood moves. Noise noise noise. I can hear it all."


KitCat Female A Dangerously Powerful Woman