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elenaosfront Female an honest woman who tries to be a good citizen and a non-corrupted officer covers up muders of her killer vampire lover


TheDarkestDawn Male An albino Werewolf who just doesn't know how to stay out of trouble.


Straasha_Silenthowl Male "A misunderstood albino who just needs a little love to soothe the pain of his past"

Harper Kovacs

AshAndFire Female Subject of a prophecy living after she's completed and fulfilled her task.

Bulletta Aryes Ashworth

AriOOF Female A blind gun-wielding girl whose only lifeline is knowing the person who taught her is still alive.


Galaxy-Dragon Female A wolf with social issues.


Andromeda2050 Female I am She, Lilith - Mistress of the Dark. First offender and succor to demons whose sweet seductions and wicked rites lead all too enslaved by the flesh to trespass against God's holy law.

Lily Potter

Andromeda2050 Female A resurrected mother of The Boy Who Lived.

Narcissa Malfoy

Andromeda2050 Female A witch pure of blood who would either kill or die for her family.


Sammisuzi Female Supernatural


IAMUNBREAKABLE Female A undertale related character


MysticJinxx Female A mentally unstable vigilante that believes in justice at all costs.

Aaronen Nerathyl

MegaGeekLizzy Hermaphrodite Bipolar hermaphrodite Buoyant Armiger with sociopathic tendencies.

Jane Marie Johnson

Allygator98 Female Abused all her life, Jane depends only on herself and protects her sister. Then she's kidnapped by the bands and is sold to All Time Low. Why though?


Tyvesian Female An ascended British wolf living with an alien, an electrokinetic Russian soldier and his niece, who paints and protects wildlife on New Earth.


DeadlyDynamite Female A young elven outcast, doomed for a life in solitude


emerald_panda Female an elven woman who rissked her life for her friends


Anonymous Female A "normal” girl living a "normal” world...


Anonymous Male want revang for his mother, a girl shows him the way to the light from his own darkness.

Olivia Jane Berckson

CookieFaceBomb Female A young hero made from fear, only to fear being alone, is a part-time comedian.

Aniise Ajax

_-Snugglez-_ Female Life is better with cats!

Ishan Gresel

_-Snugglez-_ Female A little ant facing the rough world.

Brity Zentela

_-Snugglez-_ Female A sass a day keeps the basics away


NeoKitty563 Female The snow falls like lovers fall in love

Naomi Swansong

Wyntika Female A brazen corsair seeking to make her mark.

Afriel Gavreel

_-Snugglez-_ Female The worst type of poverty is the feeling of being unloved.


Anonymous Female Just the daughter of Death trying to not die.