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bbnbv1 Non-binary A one of a kind dragon, which holds the fate of all Metal

Lilith BloodMoon

Anonymous Female A vampire princess who doesn't know who she is and lives an interesting life.


Taxidermyboy Unknown Laughter is the best medicine


Anonymous Female "I'm searching for the man who named me."

Evalia Marquis

LoveBlossoms Female A fiesty young woman willing to prove her strength and defend those in need.

Mr Fox

Anonymous Male An ugly guy who has no friends will you be one ? He got none to talk none to love will you be one?


Anonymous Female A beastly dragon who was almost demolished after finishing her good deeds for a town. Last seen by a runaway child collapsed barely breathing next to the road.


salvadori Female A girl who was stuck in the woods is now free and wishes to help people in need.

Tathar Maksa

Tamarind Female Timid majordomo to a powerful Archmage.


mage0412 Female teen in the outbreak


mage0412 Female Nimble teen in the apocalypse


bbnbv1 Two-spirit He's super Spooky

Anitoyl Andrei

Sadowl Male A loner doomed to a death in the tunnels that man has fled to.


Tamouri Male A halfling rogue whom acts as an avatar for his people.


demoneyeskyo Male an demonic angel vampire and werewolf hybrid who was agenetically altered in a lab and made into a bio weapon. . this making him isloated until on e day his mom came and freed him now he sees


Greendemon20 Male A teenage guy looking for romance to fill his dull and depressing life.

Phoenix Kane

Video_Game_Royal Male Imagination is the most powerful tool humanity has


Video_Game_Royal Male A young, complicated bodyguard who uses his job to outrun his past.


Anonymous Female


bexieboo Female A mischievous duchess in training who just wants to be like everyone else.


RodoWodo Male Young Fallen house of kings Captain


FranklinRPer Male "No Darkness Deeper Than Mine."


LoneGalaxy Female "A lonely person with nothing, until she realized how sneaky she could be.


UndeadShadow Male "Some people just want to watch to whole world burn into chaos and anarchy. One day, he will cause it."


mage0412 Female singer, magic