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Anonymous Female Story of a Lunar Demon.


Goddess Gender Fluid The God of Mischief


Anonymous Female A rather odd little thing she is, Found crawling and sputtering out by the side of the road, terribly hungry and sickly... Wherever could she have come from?...

Mazybelle Devlin

Trade_Places Female "A girl born in beauty, wonderous to behold, wonderous in the beauty of a forest fire. Captivating to behold from afar, not in close.”


Universe Male Why is it always me

Aegean Harlock

ninenine5141 Male "A living, breathing, weapon. God help they who incur a wrath unlike no other, a cruelty that holds no bounds, and vengeance that can last for eternity."

Grayson Creel Zalman

WickedWiccan Male A slightly unlucky Jewish man in his mid twenties looking for a way to contact his childhood pet and hoping to help anyone and everyone he can along the way.


WickedWiccan Female A woman of an unknown species who woke up with no memories.


CakeMinerC Male Titan

Das Vemm

AmericanLiaison Male A Kel Dor Jedi on the path towards balance, he stands unwavering in a sea of darkness, even as he seeks to understand it.


bcsin Male Pranks and magic are his specialty.

Thomas Wells

bcsin Male His parents are composed of a bowling ball and a pineapple..


Werido101 Agender A agender bitch who doesn't give two shits about what happened to your uncle Craig

William Corts

Optimystic Male A prophecized hero who turned out to be a young boy who wanted nothing to do with the prophecy.

Tord Larsson

bcsin Female A Norwegian inventor obsessed with world domination.


Chatster220 Male Someone who will do anything to help his sister. Anything.

Magical Rabbit Saga

timerrabbit Neither Whip, Step, Jump-Happy!

Lonly Demonic

LonlyDemonic Female A female human with a demonic sickness slowly killing her.

Kara Zor-El

SexyStonerGal Female Superhero RP

Adrianna Sephora

SexyStonerGal Female XXX scenes only!

Jace Elon

Anonymous Male

The Mirikuo Twins

PaperCatRPR Male Two brothers who became a cybernetic after traveling through dimensions, now working for Project CORE and saving the world.