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oldsage Male a star at the center sorrounded by nine lovers trapped in a cosmic dance


Dasumyre Male An altogether friendly, open, and occasionally awkward individual who has adapted to roleplay in a unique way.


Wrensul Agender A contrast to his unyielding and rueful creator. Though loyal, he strives to complete every task in tenderness. Can this attitude last forever?


Wrensul Cisgender Female Daughter of a fire-wielding battle mage, she is determined to do her father proud in any adventure.


Wrensul Male No longer bound by time. Yet, his mortal consciousness was never amended. A man become cosmic ghost, dealing with an infinite image of his troubled past. Will he find meaning and goodness?


Wrensul Male A gentle-hearted university student neglecting his own desires. His reputation for hard work rivals an occasional "party mishap". Follow the head, or the heart?


bytes Gender Fluid


Anonymous Female "Hello again! Or is this... the first time?"

Dove McAllister

Anonymous Female


Anonymous Cisgender Male

Lilly Lewis

SylOfficial Female "Welcome to Lilith's Oddities, how may I assist you?"


bytes Male

Aluzka Rou

Dollbaby777 Cisgender Female After breaking everything she ever touched, you would think she would learn to keep her hands to herself.


MissLumina Female

Crowley Graves

Etch Cisgender Male The dastardly redhead who could easily be summed up as "the grime on the underside of society's boot", there is more to Crowley than meets the eye.

Declan Sidloren

fullmarvelalchemist Male Wounded Wordsmith

Beth Jasmine Letter

Etch Female Retired

Esther Sonja Lindholm

Etch Female Retired

Anna Rockfeller

Etch Female Retired


Jezix Transgender Man


DrPrimrose Non-binary Ruler over Spring, they peacefully dweal as an oblivious Dragon of the otherworld seeking to understand the mortal realm.

Razvan Bojin

dk_thrash Androgynous vampire

Malcolm George Harrison

BeatlesFan68 Male Half vampire, half werewolf. 100% drama queen.


00iamno100 Cisgender Woman Both a Mutant and a Multiversal Channel - she has only one mission. To follow her Master's every command.