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Sun_Silk Female

Princess Cyra of Aduryakh

LotusFlower Female Stubborn princess forced to become a concubine

Aerin Kane

LotusFlower Female An antisocial librarian by day and a cold-blooded assassin by night

Axel Haroeris

Anonymous Male Fate gave me wings so I could reach for the heavens.


Tate Non-binary A demon who might appear in any time or place, given someone was foolhardy enough to summon them.

Niv Kritoniks

Sorrisky Male "The body is just a Tapestry waiting to be painted”


Momovix Cisgender Male The Minty Sergal

Adrian Miller

Anonymous Male


Momovix Cisgender Female


Anonymous Female x

Kwon Joon Ho

silentruth Male Curiosity hasn't killed this cat yet (Gifted, Engineer)

Legendary Beast

VII Transmasculine A Paragon of Nature.

Porcelain Paragon

VII Gender Fluid An Embodiment of Hubris | Former Machine-God Turned Fallen Angel.


Aya Cisgender Female 🌸 Blossom Deer 🌸

Fina Clark

Kotomi657 Female Big sister taking care of her mute brother and busy mom.


Rigby Cisgender Man The first gulp from the natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but God is waiting at the bottom of the glass.

Silver Seraph

VII Transmasculine "There is but one thing that prevails, always, above even Justice - Love."

Red Lammergeier

VII Transmasculine Justice, At The Cost Of Blood.

Ruby Comet

VII Transmasculine A Bat Out Of Hell.


ShipwreckyBeccy Female Never assume that what you think and feel is real...

Amelia Walker

LotusFlower Female "I'm not pepper spray, but still don't give me a reason to get in your eye" - Amelia

Soliana Orea

OrionCeleste Cisgender Female The stars are so bright, tonight...


Anonymous Female Serial Killer Vibe Check


Mellow Cisgender Female POWER!!!


FadedTapestry Male Blighted Celestial of Vengeance. Yuan Ti. Captain. Pirate-Lord. Once-Deposed Noble. Rebellion Leader. Hunter of Slavers. Ruthless with a Heart of Gold.


Anonymous Cisgender Female Abandoned and alone. Trying to kill time.