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CartoonLeafe Female Thinks she's soooo funny


Anonymous Male A rogue traveling the world for coin


Anonymous Female "I am ultimately, just a machine"

Aaron Conroy

Dndmama Male A chef and a father, not necessarily in that order.


Anonymous Male

Penelope Price

Anonymous Cisgender Female

New Jersey

AgitoAceXIII Female Firepower for Freedom

Haru Thurein

Wixiany Cisgender Man A soft-spoken and kind prince with a dark curse that controls him.


Cold_Atlas Male A man who refuses to crumble like the world around him.


CartoonLeafe Male Anxious guy with fire powers


Anonymous Other

Crow's Art Commissions

DarkCrow Demigirl My profile to conglomerate my art information!

James Beckett

Handsome_James Male Born into the upper class, but whispered to keep some very distasteful company.

Cheeky Incantations

Masquerade Female "bippity bobbit boo witches!"

Xip Azi'ra-Valentine

Dndmama Female Her eyes are the window to the galaxy


Jblg31 Unknown

Magister Graves

Anonymous Cisgender Man Archmage and Prince of a Magocratic Nation

The Tomb of Horrors

Anonymous Neither The Legenary Death Trap Dungeon, Masterpiece of the Archlich Acererak

Her Eminence Lady Cryu-Dzien

Avitrathephoenix Female Goddess of Ice, Death, Wealth, and Ships of Seas and Stars. More likely to set events in motion than to participate directly

Avitra Angelica

Avitrathephoenix Female A hypersonic, immortal, magical space bird who loves flying, cuddling, and baking cookies. Probably unkillable, but would appreciate it if you din't try to find out.

Water of the Pentatheon

Avitrathephoenix Female Divine queen of countless seas, rivers, and bedchambers. Also, always up for making new friends!


Anonymous Trans "A god isn't a god until proven worthy"


Dndmama Female A muse in search of someone to inspire

Logan Donnel O'Rourke

Anonymous Cisgender Male "Tell me about it.."