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MsMousey Cisgender Male

Xenia Jadesplash

Dndmama Female Have a seat, love. Let me get you something hot to drink and you can tell Mama Jade all about it.

Sturgeon Ymir

ogle Transgender Woman An elven sniper, an implanted sorcerer, and a recluse


Demilicious Male "Coffee's proper."


Emerson Androgynous "A confident run away that lives in the forest.


Demilicious Male "Your statement, though viable, relies on my caring about it. Shame you thought so highly of me."


Emerson Cisgender Male A tom cat who was a failure, but got a little too crazy over a certain someone..


Riik Agender Genderless, small and naïve; Ryzira is an enigma - but an adorable one.


Anonymous Male

Abby Johnston

Abby111i Cisgender Female

Impavid Characters

Animewithin Other For those who are bold


Anonymous Cisgender Man A living vent portrait flooded with strong paranoia and sorrows

Enzo Pesci

pilot Cisgender Male

Umeki Tsukasa

Too_Many_Beans Hermaphrodite A tanuki botanist from a small island who loves meeting new people. She seems to be full of energy and in possession of a capricious streak.

Caliste Viktorov

Anonymous Other

Burial Calhoun

ghosting30s Agender A cursed hunter of the supernatural who lets no one close.

Junzo Amisaki

Anonymous Male You have no idea what you're up against!


Marzhipan Cisgender Male


Marzhipan Hermaphrodite

Onyx Sentinel X-2

Hendrick Agender "Enforcer parameters engaged - Sentience obtained. Statement: I was born today."

Kirito Åarons

SkyCheese Male The God of the Sun, but he really acts like a mortal.

Samantha Byrne

SkyCheese Trans Mysterious shark maiden, who hates most people.


Anonymous Female Creature born of science and evolved into a monster

W - Sarkaz Mercenary

AgitoAceXIII Female “ Just gotta kill them all to finish the job, right? Don't think in such simple terms? But that's a pain in the ass...”


Anonymous Female "touch my bike and il put a bounty on your ears, cause thats all that will be left of you."


Demilicious Male "You sweet thing, I need not the touch of another, but the touch of brittle pages under my fingers."


Demilicious Male Naval Captain, yet socially an awkward duck.