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Ren Blake

Anonymous Cisgender Male A detective and singer with a broken heart

Antinius Bericosian

akula2ssn Male A fallen angel dedicated to the Prince of Pleasure and Excess.


QuinnRose Female A beautiful woman with a rather terrifying Quirk

Serenity The Wavelength Hero

QuinnRose Transgender Male Japan's No. 36 Hero. Known for his bad temper and beauty.


QuinnRose Cisgender Man A handsome but narcissistic musical actor

Jumin Han

QuinnRose Cisgender Man A wealthy cat lover and a co-operative heir


QuinnRose Male A happy-go-lucky hacker with a tragic past


Anonymous Female


Anonymous Male Dis is it, b'y.

Calamitous Obscurity

Anonymous Gender Nonconforming Risk Obscurity


Anonymous Male Drummer/Percussionist in the Electric Blues-Rock Trio 'Outskirts'


Anonymous Female

Doctor D

Robo-Craig Transgender Woman Doctor D has you covered, for a price.

Blue Zircon

Mattathias Gender Fluid A Gem from space, preparing the takeover of earth.

Bea R. Jones

Anonymous Cisgender Female


Lunarthewolf Male A fallen deity who will one day destroy the world


Anonymous Unknown A succubus who fell for a swordsman that she trained when he was younger.

Hunter Nightheart

Jose_Granados Male A prince who gave up his throne to live and find love amongst the humans.


zenfey Cisgender Female

Bellamy Devaux

sunandcoffee Cisgender Male

Aesara Lyrise

SiriaiNova Female Jedi Master

Sam Levi Tucker

inator Male Wonderkid. The family's favorite.

Reginald Hayes de Loutherbergh

inator Male When "inner voice" has a whole different meaning. Sometimes it's fine to just ignore those voices, Reggie.

Jayden Flynn

inator Male Weird and chaotic, but with a heart of gold.


RLstudios Bigender A kid who doesn't fully understand the world.

Vidar Eaglesson

Count_Krokkorok Cisgender Male Journey to the end of the world