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Cordelia Florence

ItsaGwen Female A rebellious girl who blames her hero mother for the disappearance of her criminal father.

Illiandi Bondsmiller

Kaji Male A quiet man, just looking to obtain and maintain a peaceful, productive life.

Penélope Catalina Vazquez

Anonymous Female


Tucker_Dragon Male A greedy dragon who lives a life of solitude.


Eliteeric Female "I wonder what this next timeline will bring us..."

Erica Osborn

Eliteeric Female "Those that do not look to the future are sometimes lost in the past."


Anonymous Male


Jooters Cisgender Male The silliest wolf on the internet!


jckomar Male Cyberpunk Mercenary

Adora Felarre

Dawnstar14 Female The noblewoman, who gave up all for the gleam of a sword

Yue Fadeflora

Dndmama Female A lost princess raised by witches who just wants to live her life in peace


Vali99 Male I will be the one to dispell the darkness of the world with Holy Light, My name Is Erdrick, and I am The Luminary


lerion Demigirl

Alan Wake

Atheist Cisgender Male A writer operating on the shifting logic of a dream.


lerion Agender

Blake Harper

Anonymous Female The Voiceless Bard


Tucker_Dragon Female A young magical creature caretaker willing to go to great lengths to achieve what she wants.


Tucker_Dragon Male A sorcerer who received his powers in a trade and found vengeance after the trade turned out to be vile and stained with evil.

Valhalla Art

Anonymous Female

Courage The Cowardly Dog

FictionDragonborn Male The Cowardly Dog of Nowhere

Argyropeza Thetis

Anonymous Female Daughter of gods. Wild as a summer storm.