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Eros Oleander

whispers Cisgender Male A man born of the sea and fated for devastating power.


yngbck Cisgender Male


Sombra Cisgender Female Looking for me?

The Grey Knight

Anonymous Male


milkymooos Gender Fluid A abused girl who acts ok all the time lets her emotions up to her lover. But not easily.

Jason Castillo

Ersa93 Male An EMT who has found himself with superpowers and seeks help a little more than he already is with them.

Energy Assault

ghoulnova Non-binary A crazy pony on a quest to explore the world and make as many friends as possible along the way! Ready to rave, always up for a Cigarette!

Bob Bibbo

lotusflowrs Cisgender Man


lotusflowrs Non-binary A slime cat from another dimension traveling the world, one friend at a time!

Sage Galanis

Defyingstatic Cisgender Female


Sledge Male ???


Anonymous Female

Tajinrir Rheissi

Anonymous Male

Eden Graham

Anonymous Cisgender Female The perfect socialite with a nasty attitude.


Anonymous Female


zarwithz Transmasculine Maybe I hacked your phone when I was bored and maybe I canceled your order of plastic plants too. It was totally unnecessary, why have something fake instead of something real?


Anonymous Androgynous

Maryam Blackburn

Pumpkinspiceking Non-binary Doberman energy, but golden retriever love


Anonymous Transgender Male God-devouring serpent.