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Nim Norwood

heathenHyena Cisgender Female A gnomish girl who gave up the comforts of home for a chance at adventure.

Nix Nudd Aka Shadow

Thunderbird Bigender Protective "innocent" bean <3

Ceinios His Creative Grace

MagicaeMundi Gender Nonconforming A arcane god of alien origin, willing to befriend all.


dizzzy Female ❝C'mon, do I look like a liar?❞

Jack Väisänen

sorrowburn Cisgender Man


TheOGCinnamonRoll Cisgender Woman A former Tranquil turned Grey Warden possessed by a spirit of Hope


cri86titanium Cisgender Man Ex-cop and genius inventor turned vigilante


ladyknight_pendragon Transgender Woman A transgender knight of noble birth who reclaims chivalry as liberation


Furbaby Hermaphrodite Cute petite furry no-fan hamphrodite

Dastian and Lievi

Dndmama Male The ocean is a big place for an octopus and his leviathan


Anonymous Male

Jaime Vasquez

Ruberiot Cisgender Male


Thunderbird Transgender Female Puts the Trans in Transformers


Anonymous Male Transforming idiot

Olivia Romero

Thunderbird Demigirl Just a girl with three masters degrees and a love for being reckless.

Alpin-Lynx Blackstone

Anonymous Unknown Death? Cheated. (In more ways than one)

Mathilde Roberts

GoldenGirl Female An intelligent young woman who yearns to know the world...but will she be able to let go of the people she meets there?

Noan Intirneht

Kahmical Unknown Is this some sort of new deity?


Phy0ticbxby Male "Sometimes people need to get their feelings hurt"