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Phy0ticbxby Male "Sometimes people need to get their feelings hurt"

Amaris, Owner of The Lunaris

Anonymous Female


Raven_bLeH Gender Fluid

Jules Firenze

heel_of_weakness Cisgender Male A Dwarf Druid with a penchant for Fire.


Leighoflight Agender Perfectly normal human

Alendi Haxiton

Anonymous Cisgender Male A young idealistic lord destined to become a great king...but what will that destiny cost

Forest Spirit

Anonymous Neutrois A forest spirit who's name is lost to time

Ivan F'ai

kawaiicupcake Cisgender Male

Ganvaris Hloram

Pengolodh Male A soldier, a man, or a bargaining chip?


xashley16 Female

Babe Zev Claire

Pb_Arc Cisgender Woman A teenager trapped in the clutches of their own mother.


Anonymous Female

Eden LaGrand

Anonymous Cisgender Female

Maria Valentine

B0NES Female " I've learned not to trust as much as I once had.."

Seraphine Ward

Anonymous Female

Alaise Lefreve

Mokohi95 Female The Forlorn Doll

Alliance Characters

weremagnus Other An Alliance roster (Server: WyrmrestAccord)

juniper ellis

sxnshineboy Cisgender Female someone that would rather do anything else than confront her fears.


Goshawk90 Female


Experiment407021 Male Your local shy dude who has a fondness for sweets.

Serenity Frostpaw

Scarlet-Rose Female A beautiful vixen alone in the wilderness!


Myuk Transgender Male Apenas um garoto tentando entender suas emoções


Lila Cisgender Male A werewolf Alpha who runs a safe pack of wolves and werewolves who welcome anyone who may need a home.


Lila Cisgender Female A woman who went through hell, but finally found success within a large company and her family of five kids.


Anonymous Female Cow Anthro Teacher needing love