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Cobra Trooper

Slain Cisgender Female

Echo Webb

Karithina Transexual Man


Iron-Hands Cisgender Male " To be an knight is to be a sword and shield for the meek and to embrace death for their protection."

Kayla Davis

Anonymous Female


Anonymous Female

Malika Davilla

entropy Cisgender Female A young woman who will swing a bat at whoever she has to make a buck.


cirene Female An innocent, beautiful girl who left her troubled past to begin a new life on her own as a newly hired Kindergarten teacher.

The Madame

Anonymous Female


Anonymous Male

Andy Valentini

Anonymous Cisgender Male Friendly Neighborhood College Jock

Diana Chatte

Galaxy-Star Female Punch first and then maybe ask questions later


Solvaris Male A 'lizard man' who has been torn from an ancient time. He strives to do his best for everyone!

Koshi Sho

AVO Cisgender Male


VairaSmythe Cisgender Male A librarian that swore an oath to avenge their friend's death, leaving without much worldly knowledge.


Angrybadger Cisgender Female A vengeful guardian of nature


Anonymous Female Naughty little fly, why does it cry? ~Smeagol

Sandra Hill

Semegrex Female Now THIS is what I call LIFE

Matthew Smith

Semegrex Male Can you keep up?

Aaron Greenvalley

Semegrex Male A young man, who likes working with wood. Wood does not like working with him.

Parelle Graham

KingTai Male A man willing to fight for civilian life.


Om3ga Demigirl An almost invincible Kraken, sought on destroying the world or whatever she may get her hands on.

Mio - Infinite

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female Tired of war, too late to change, too soon to die