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Virion Omalen

Silverbloodvrs Cisgender Male

Fernanda Whitlock

AncientCatKing Transgender Woman Need a drink?

Rhiannon Gilren

Anonymous Female

Lucia Ninetta Acierno

Anonymous Cisgender Female

Emerson Steele

Anonymous Male

Yukio Ozaki

Kitsune_Of_Ninetails Female A rare mutated werewolf


Anonymous Male A Practiced Wandering Shinobi

Emvor and Syvnyth

Kitsune_Of_Ninetails Just a Dragon and her Rider

Arath Ainsworth

Kitsune_Of_Ninetails Male A Selfless Warrior

Rakon Zeruul

Krieg_005 Cisgender Male Rebel pilot turned bounty hunter.

Tarquin dan Farrwain

ClockworkDragon Male An elf who sold his soul for knowledge. Now he hopes to do great deeds and win it back.


Anonymous Unknown A strange creature that lurks in the desert and kidnaps caravanners.

Davian Dé Luna-Solar

TheCrystalFore Non-binary A gem\human hybrid determined to find out more about themselves and their family.

Snow Frostheart

midwestloser Cisgender Male The blessings of the gods are often mistaken as curses. If a god means to curse you, you'll know.

Rye Veil-Mist

bluespriteisyellow Agender " I'm Not Crazy, I Like Book's. Dumbass. "


Anonymous Female

Tessa Hayes

Anonymous Female


Arokai Cisgender Man

Nick Macalester

Panzerdivsn Male The one pulling the strings

Samuel Whiteford

Beamer_Fidelis Male I'm the quietest, but loudest, and the sneakiest, but most conspicuous being alive. Nice to meet you!


Anonymous Female Silent Fury


Elisabeth_18 Hermaphrodite A human mistress who loves to enslave and eat

Central Marsay

CoolWaves Cisgender Woman


tecopet Male Sneaky Smoke

Tylinn Ivorymane

Anonymous Male Warrior-King


Anonymous Female

Dolores Haze

Feileks Cisgender Female A Princess Learns The Hard Way.