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Damien Ward

lochness8 Cisgender Male Local arsonist self destructs, more at 10

Samuel Alastor

lochness8 Cisgender Male "I must be good for something."


Anonymous Female

Maple Softclover

EvisceratedUnicorn Non-binary A crafty wood elf out to find new materials... and their missing brother.

Lux B Phillip

EvisceratedUnicorn Male Literally Satan.

Gauye August

Anonymous Female

Jaron Hallivard

Redrose Male A cold hearted Prince


komaeda Cisgender Man

The Corrupted

Anonymous Unknown

Nagito Komaeda

Anonymous Male "Please call me... the Ultimate Hope."


Anonymous Male

Catalina Sinclair

Hireath Cisgender Female

Scotus Uchiha

MinatoNamikaze4th Male Naruto Anbu Black Ops

Jasper Beta

AngelBirdo Demigirl Unassuming and Innocent until you actually get to know here. You still think she's cute, but you now know true fear.

Æriss of Godsunder Keep

reddeR Female A gliding Oaev, you can never get her down! A ray of sunshine in the darkest of places!


Anonymous Male


Anonymous Female

Lukas van Ammers

Anonymous Male The coolest Dutch underground DJ of his generation

Sean Laban

Anonymous Non-binary Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.

Chitose Tensenuga

Maysalkirii Cisgender Female

Yumi Oshiro

Anonymous Hermaphrodite

Caitlin O'Bryn

Anonymous Female


Trilkin Cisgender Man An aspiring explorer who got the adventure he wanted.

Tanavast Rekjavon

CanterburyPrime Cisgender Man Royalty in word alone

Slade Darkfire

Jax_Nova Male Just because I walk alone, don’t assume I’m lost.

Sowelu Suntalon

Anonymous Female Traveling Sun'yote on a quest of self discovery!


mrk Male