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The-Dark-Truth Female A young mysterious woman who has tales of her as a unsung hero.


Aine Female


Anonymous Female

Augustus Rush

Buzzardry Male Hidden Beneath Masks


Lovewell Male Aquila non capit muscas


TheGreatAvocado Male I can't keep my head from spinning out of control. Is this what feeling vulnerable feels like?

Ashley Summers

ShyGuy1999 Female "Don't mess with me or my contraptions!"


Anonymous Female


Murder Transgender Man A demon who caters to the whims of monsters.


Anonymous Male

Haru Takashi

nicou Cisgender Male "Be careful making wishes in the dark."

Elina Emerson

nicou Cisgender Female "I'm not afraid of you"

Mika Jett

nicou Cisgender Female "Hah, no."

Lilly-Anne Parker

nicou Cisgender Woman "Something is out there, and I'll prove it!"

Gaylin Green

Animewithin Male Bang Bang there goes your heart.


Anonymous Unknown


walkingdeadgirl77 Male "Such as a rose so vibrant and full of life. Such as yourself, love. Take this rose as an offering. "

René Noel

Anonymous Male here come dat boi

Yui - Adorable AI

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female What did you think she was gonna be?

Javier Vasquez

Anonymous Male A man who claims to be a vampire, but most certainly isn't.

Frankie Bren

AngelBirdo Cisgender Man "He's just a lil guy--"

Jade Mariana

AngelBirdo Cisgender Female You know Australia? She's like Australia if it were a person. Everything there could kill you but there's also some cute things so you go there anyway.

Lizabeth Andrews

Galaxy-Star Female I'm adorable and I know it!


Anonymous Female


Fiona_cosby Female A teen girl trying to survive as a mom and lover