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Anonymous Female Lead an honorable life; find an honorable death


Anonymous Cisgender Woman


Anonymous Female For the glory of the Queen


LeelooKoneko Male A man cursed to live forever and is afraid to open up to anyone.


Anonymous Transgender Male "He's Taken. And Him, and Him"

Elena Dascalu

Anonymous Female Through hell and back, she'll never give up.


ArtsyArtist Female An rich elf about to inherit her family's fortune.

Raven Braidson

ArtsyArtist Male A young boy struggling through arthritis.


Anonymous Female


theredrat Gender Nonconforming A wisecracking shapeshifter with scars and a collection of truck stop ballcaps.

Chloe Yara McConnell

Beauty_Fool Cisgender Female 'Fake Coverup Case'


PurpleGuy Pangender A shy spider god who lives a semi-human life


Jangel13 Male Always seeking a new mate to take care of

Maia Winhurst

Anonymous Female Mermaid who wants to see the Outside World.

Alcreamie Ichigo Tsukino

Mahalopanda Non-binary A pink whirlwind of sweetness, chaos, and a heart of gold.

Korah Isle

Anonymous Female Hybrid Orc who doesn’t like people.


DawnHaven Male Maybe Hell wasn't so bad, afterall.

Jay Gradien

BugIsTired Demienby A Fallen Rebel General addicted to Partying & Finger foods

Rue Bowman

Anonymous Female A sister who just wants the best for her siblings.

Florence Dawn

ArtsyArtist Gender Fluid A rich party animal who gave up her family's reputation for a good time.


Anonymous Male A liberty and gun loving tank that can tank a lot of hits and do a lot of damage.


heathxn Male for all that it's worth, the blood on my hands is the blood of divinity.


Anonymous Female

Radomir Zelastre

satyricalfaun Cisgender Male an odd-mannered undertaker ;

Alfred F Jones

SugarSkele Cisgender Man The human incarnation of The United States of America (Hetalia)

Arthur Kirkland

SugarSkele Cisgender Man The human incarnation of Great Britain (Hetalia)