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Anonymous Unknown Everything ends, we all die. At least most of the time...

Shadow Moon

DevilsLegend Female "I've trusted you, but all you've given me was despair."

Lotus Byun

-WiiX- Female America's antagonist. A naive girl ruined by big dreams and high hopes. Feeling stuck in a body of someone she is not. Misunderstood. Unable to escape the nightmare she is living. Tears of regret.

Roman Mikhailov

Murkysoulwaters Male The Hunter who keeps watch over the night like so many who have gone before


EverfrostandFlame Androgyne A demon who is kind and caring but they often times don't get the same courtesy

Adaline Harrington

Anonymous Cisgender Female

Randulfus du Locke

Anonymous Male

Wilgrine Elias Took

BeatlesFan68 Male A halfling with a love of good food, good smokes, and adventure.


otis Cisgender Male Ida y vuelta.

Alask Silais

Anonymous Transgender Man

Veiyn Rapturas

ZombiesCrossing Non-binary The moon's borrowed light reveals something that even the beasts of darkness fear.


Anonymous Male If you ever feel weak or vulnerable just remember I am not. And I am out there, very dangerous and I am looking for you. Good luck.

Ian Whittingham

Anonymous Cisgender Male


Experiment407021 Demiboy A young guy who thinks he's doomed to - metaphorically - live in his closet forever.

Julien Levasseur

_Hermes_ Cisgender Man

Sigurd Daemonbane

Anonymous Male Vlka Fenryka

Joseph Arden

Gibson Male Star Wars

Amora Kinraysapa

SuspiciousActivity Female A strange hybrid from the Underdark looking to find her place in the world

Origin, Pupil Of Osiris

bluespriteisyellow Agender An Unreal Being. Hive By Nature.

Ken Haruno

TheBLKing Male A tsundere literature teacher who's in a complicated love triangle between his lover and his student.

Haruno's Lover

TheBLKing Male The dunce of a boyfriend who is rivaling against a high school student.


Happyhappysad Gender Fluid An elf stuck between worlds who decided to give up their family to learn the art of smithing from a dwarven master.


Mernaga Gender Fluid An odd shapeshifter with a blank past


Anonymous Female