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Longterm Storylines

Anonymous Male

Alexius Caelestis

HolyKnight Cisgender Male A paladin with indomitable will and a zealous streak.

Aurora Kithrune

SalS26 Cisgender Female ew


SalS26 Gender Nonconforming Neurodivergent

Zobby the dragon

Zobby Male A fire dragon raised by a plant?!

A'quil Raim

wrong Male A Miqo'te boy who is captured by pirates and forced into prize fighting

Jeffery Alitt

SalS26 Agender Funky person

Jen Alitt

SalS26 Female Funky woman

Serge Corentine

Anonymous Male

Matthew Kerouac

Anonymous Male

Lou Hyde

Anonymous Male

Tiberius Pluto

HolyKnight Cisgender Male A young boy with a bright outlook on a dark past.

Crowley Graves

Etch Cisgender Male The dastardly redhead who could easily be summed up as "the grime on the underside of society's boot", there is more to Crowley than meets the eye.


Anonymous Cisgender Female


Anonymous Male


LoveRPGirl Female

Declan Sidloren

fullmarvelalchemist Male Wounded Wordsmith

Jane Anelise Moulin

Anonymous Cisgender Female

Aria Camena

Anonymous Female Curious Siren exploring the world.


Anonymous Female


Anonymous Transmasculine

Beth Jasmine Letter

Etch Female Retired