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Lumie - Lightborn Aniri

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female Shizuku and Lumie share a body willingly considering what happened to them.

Asuka - Spirited and Sound

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female Heavy is the talent, the burden of those long lost.

Esther Corbyn

boyegcs Cisgender Woman Wisdom does not come with age, but through love.

Santiago Velasquez

boyegcs Cisgender Man The man who wanted to turn his life around so he could learn to accept and like himself.

Miyuki - Subzero Rave

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female This blizzard will freeze you solid.


Anonymous Agender


Rahdbaan Gender Fluid If it will happen, I've seen it already

Hunter O'Rielly

Anonymous Male


Anonymous Female

Fadir Ayad

Purple108 Male A lonely boy corrupted by fame and fortune.

Ensho Uzumaki

Aaricia Female Fire so Cold it burns


Anonymous Male


princebubbleyum Cisgender Male "Creating is no more important than destroying things. To create things, something must be destroyed in the process. That is art."

Seeking rp

Anonymous Neither


jesu Female

Maple Hierro

jesu Pangender


Anonymous Cisgender Female


iiOmq_ItzJess Cisgender Female

Emile Pichette

jesu Cisgender Woman


HTaehyun12 Cisgender Male


princebubbleyum Male "Don't look at me, my face or my piercings. You're all the same to me now."


Anonymous Female Princess of the North