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Salazar Lazarus

Anonymous Male Pompous Wizard Boy


Anonymous Female The Exiled Raider


TheLonerKitten Male A Mysterious Man, Both good and bad..


MacXtrav Female A character who finds herself after a tragic experience

Endline Terminus



Hiro Male A HuskyWolf who loves to play!


Anonymous Male

Lola - The Muse of Hope

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female A song that encouraged hope to spread in a hopeless world.

Amira Silina

AmiraSilina Androgynous A Grisha summoner with a secret that she must keep from the general who she's drawn to. A tidemaker and a sun summoner, never heard of before.

Vanilla - Sharp Neko

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female La Soleil’s shining beacon of reluctant cuteness

Chocola - Shadow Neko

Xpoint_MetaPulse Female Nekopara’s cute, purring star


Moorishh Female Emotionless softy waiting to be discovered

Iseki Harushima

ImCitrus Cisgender Male An exorcist wanting the best for the world.


awsomegameknight I will guard you for my life.

Thomas Blackburn

Kekreations Cisgender Male


VOIDIC Agender


Anonymous Male Played in TGT.

Amira Tahann

ARosieGamer Cisgender Female A space lizard with a weapon

Alice Rose Cliften

ARosieGamer Cisgender Female