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M00nbean Female


Sasheth Cisgender Female

Pistil and Stema

0089 Hermaphrodite A couple of Plant 'girls' looking for adventure? How does that work?

Valeria Ocaña Suárez

Anonymous Female

Valentino Murmir

ZombiesCrossing Cisgender Male A former policeman who now lives alone in the woods.

Gabriel Martsen

ZombiesCrossing Cisgender Male An eccentric fella who is missing a few screws in that great mind of his.

Junko Misami

Darkmier Female Forgive and Forget? How's about you **** off and die?


Anonymous Demoted "Main Character" working their way up again!


seagreen Female


SerpentSolus Female Squid girl medic/healer

Nea Hellström

Anonymous Cisgender Woman Local woman vandalized building. Did a kick flip while fleeing the scene which, objectively speaking, looked pretty cool.


ShadowOfPeace Demigirl "I'm not captain weird, I just do what I do,"


ShadowOfPeace Demigirl An insane lady- no further explaintion-

Mane Koral

Anonymous Cisgender Man I suffer from RBF..


Shooting_Star_21 Male Listen, Im only here for fun so if you're gonna stop me from having fun get out"


yex Male A lifelong dream turned into glistening reality. However, those are never fully understood.


Miyuki_San Female An elven princess who sacrificed her greatest power to restore unity to her kingdom.

Lady Cainz

BRabbit Female Look at me and you'll be okay