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Alyx James

Rinrindolka Male An abused young fellow now perceived to have changed for the better. Having now wealth, intelligence, and stunning looks.


Nectar Cisgender Man

Panapala Moth

VocaloidFan Female Crazy villianess who suprisingly has a soft heart for puppies and other Animals.


Quetzal265 Cisgender Male


MissInk Cisgender Female

Sir Robert Hoseason

Prescience Male A swashbuckling sea captain with plenty of stories to tell.

Ander Maelon

McCreeCat Male The Storm


Butterknife Gender Fluid


Anonymous Male

Gabrielle Devolle

CypherDorran Cisgender Woman Former corporate HR enforcer

Gabriel Kennedy-Baxter

Anonymous your average office boy, with a twist.

Princess Victoria

Anonymous Female


Anonymous Female


CosmicSloth Female A charming God of Death who loves moths and tea parties


Anonymous Male

Graea Fenstrider

Anonymous Female

Will Tadashi

StrawberrySaturday Male With a cold heart of gold

Thalia Blackwood

StrawberrySaturday Female We all have light and dark inside us.

Enyo Vinyl

StrawberrySaturday Male Some things money just can't buy

Callon River

StrawberrySaturday Male There's a little magic in all of us


Anonymous Female

Annette Brown

Claywind Cisgender Woman A maid who may-or-may-not have poisoned the heir of a noble family, now on the run from England's skewed justice system.


IndigoPromenade Cisgender Male


Sangreal117 Male There in beats the heart of a beast and the honor of a man.


Sangreal117 Male A Rogue at heart, with a sharp wit and blades, but with a scholars mind and dazzling spells of destruction and deception.


Anonymous Female