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mha Gender Nonconforming

Reman Longtail

RemanLongtail Male A brown anthropomorphic wolf, wandering the land seeking adventure and fortune.

Eric Caulson

RemanLongtail Male Smuggler, scavenger and potionmaker. He's still human, more or less, and he's just trying to find some way to survive in this ruined world.

Marcus Solwind

RemanLongtail Male A humble priest, out on a mission to explore the world.

Arvex Galerian

RemanLongtail Male Once just a warrior in a large demonic army, he has now set out on his own, seeking adventure.

Melissa Blackrose

Iamblackrosee Female "Hey, I know I'm a cat, but I don't have to act like one."


skairipa Cisgender Female

Isaiah Rippner

Chipperbane Cisgender Man

Bramble McIora

elizamdi000 Male Bram is very non social, but is not cruel in any way.



Coimeadai Tintreach

Anonymous Male Nature's Fury Embodied


Anonymous Female


waterwolf Demigirl


Anonymous Cisgender Woman Malice given form


Anonymous Female

Liam Blackwood

DeaAthena Male Never interrupt your enemy when they make a mistake.


Coonhound Cisgender Female Love her or break her, she won't complain.


Amora Female

Kaeda Duras

Saiph Female A pilot who lost everything, might just lose a whole lot more

Alex Haus

Salsa Cisgender Male A prodigal son of a wealthy family, now living life on the streets doing odd jobs for money.


Dndmama Female Small minds never see the bigger picture. They only ever see the blood.




Anonymous Cisgender Male A guy who can be whoever you want or need him to be..

Rhys McCallen

brackenbright Cisgender Man Never meet your heroes, especially this one.

Tiernan Averill

brackenbright Cisgender Man The youngest son, heir to nothing, but responsible for so much more.