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six lilley

Anonymous Female a short, pink-haired, edgy-looking, awkward soft girl who is chaotic and lonely


Ryotsunaka Hermaphrodite


BruisedBandito Cisgender Male

Ivy von Trappe

RoseSomething Cisgender Woman


Anonymous Non-binary

Thrifty Geek

Anonymous Female She's a writer and singer who travels the world meeting people and collecting stories.

Bazaar Lightvale

Anonymous Cisgender Man A self-proclaimed protector of the weak who can't help but feel a little empty inside despite his success.


Anonymous Female


Anonymous Other train

Eztli Armani

Anonymous Hermaphrodite "This is a lesson in creation: The first blood of blood magic is always your own.”

Damien Barken

EpidermalVeil Male "I'm guided by my spirit alone."

Amathia Cross

fancybronze Transexual Female

Formi Scarlet

SpiritHero Male "Jerk, but a rightful jerk."


anujsharma Learn and grow.

Adam Magustar

Anonymous Male


Anonymous Female


Alexandre Female " Una joven prostituta, convertida en una ama de casa, nunca sabrá que es la felicidad en su vida "

Tobias L. Noel

Anonymous Male I discovered something amid the pain and terror and confusion. I discovered that the answer to what I am, to who I am, isn't something to be answered in a single word or a single moment.

Sad Silver 666

SadSilver666 Female A child who committed suicide, was brought back to life, and killed her foster parents.


Nightlife5433 Male Half orc druid